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OCD Information & Support Group

There is perhaps nothing so bad and so dangerous in life as fear – Jawaharlal Nehru

Group Overview

Understand the relationship between OCD and anxiety, and ways to break free from the suffocation of excessive worry and fear.


Join Grit Therapist, Carly Schaller, as she facilitates a six-week support group for those struggling with symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and anxiety.  The group will be held online on Wednesday evenings beginning November 29th and will focus on the causes and symptoms of OCD, as well as evidence-based treatments and techniques to survive and THRIVE, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness, cognitive restructuring, physical movement, and more.

Image by Atle Mo

The Details


Adults; 18+



Wednesday evenings; 6:00-7:30

November 29; December 6; December 13; December 20; January 3; January 10


Where: Virtual


For more information and to sign up, email Carly at

What is OCD?

Before we talk about what OCD is, let’s first talk about what it is not.. While we all have worries and stressors, the worries resulting from OCD differ in that they are usually senseless and irrational, and ignoring them can make the person feel anxious and nervous. It is important to make this distinction, given that excessive yet rational worry may instead be a symptom of depression or anxiety. OCD is characterized by obsessions and/or compulsions that are time-consuming, distressing, and interfere with normal routines, relationships, and daily functioning.

Sad on Couch

What are Obsessions? 

Persistent, unwanted thoughts, images, or urges that intrude into a person’s thinking and cause excessive worry and anxiety.

What are Compulsions? 

Covert mental acts or overt behaviors performed repetitively to relieve or prevent the worry or anxiety generated by the obsession. They often have the intention of magically preventing or avoiding some dreaded even such as death, illness, or some other misfortune.

Can I have some examples?


Here is a short list of common obsession and compulsion categories:



  • Contamination

  • Hoarding, Saving or Collecting

  • Control and Order

  • Religious Related

  • Body Image

  • Health and Illness

  • Aggression

  • Perfectionism

  • Sexuality and Sexual Preoccupation​



  • Cleaning and Washing

  • Checking

  • Repeating, Counting or Ordering

  • Body Image

  • Health-Related Checking


Closeup sad young man with worried stressed face expression and brain melting into lines q

Okay, I'm listening...
How is it diagnosed?

OCD is the fourth most common mental health diagnosis in the United States, meaning that more than 7.6 million Americans may struggle with the distorted thoughts, compulsions, and irrational fears associated with the disorder. Studies have shown that up to 99% of people experience unwanted thoughts. That said, most people who don’t suffer from OCD can hold unpleasant thoughts without too much discomfort or can dismiss their thoughts entirely. Their thoughts are shorter in duration, less intense, and less frequent than the intrusive thoughts of those with have OCD. On the other hand, the obsessive thoughts of OCD produce significant discomfort and result in the powerful and overwhelming urge to neutralize or lessen them ASAP. The obsessions and compulsions of OCD significantly interfere with life.  People with OCD typically recognize their obsessions and compulsions are excessive and unreasonable.

About the Facilitator

Carly Schaller, MA, LPCC

Carly Schaller is a therapist and eco/adventure therapy specialist at Grit Therapy and was diagnosed with OCD in 2018. Receiving the OCD diagnosis after years of struggling with anxiety transformed her relationship to her mental health, and she hopes to empower others to understand and live peacefully alongside their OCD.  Carly is a registered yoga teacher and active travel guide, and has led hiking, biking, and yoga trips in more than ten countries including Sweden, Croatia, and Montenegro. As a therapist and group leader, Carly incorporates evidence-based treatments, nature and movement into her practice and emphasizes the importance of the mind/body/spirit/nature connection.

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