Parent Coaching in Summit County, CO

Our parent coaches help parents engage their children and teens in meaningful, productive, and healthy relationships
Get the help you need to support your child or teen while also taking care of yourself
Find your grit
Find your joy
Parents, need help connecting with your tween or teen?
Enter your email to download your FREE copy of
6 Ways to Improve Communication with Your Tween or Teen
Parenting is one of life's most rewarding journeys. But, it also brings with it an incredible amount of sacrifice, work, and struggle. We know it is a very difficult time to parent a child, teen, or young adult. It has never been more challenging to navigate the world - for parents and children alike!
At Grit Therapy, we know all parents deserve help and guidance on their parenting journey. We also know that at times, you might feel frustrated, hopeless, angry, or afraid. But, have no fear! We are here to help.
Our parent counselor in Silverthorne, CO can meet you at the office, home, or online. No matter your choice, your parent coach can offer support with many issues including:
Defiant behavior
School issues
Sexuality and gender
We can also help you support your child if they are experiencing a mental health issue like:
Suicidal ideation or suicide attempts
Our expert parenting coach can help you find peace and support you in your parenting journey
Call today to see if working with our parenting coach and therapist is right for you
Parent Support Group
For parents of high-needs tweens and teens
Join us weekly on Wednesday evenings for a free group at 6:30p. Learn more about peer support, education, and guidance from a mental health professional.
For parents whose tween or teen is experiencing mental health issues such has:
Suicidal ideation or suicide attempts
Disordered eating
And/or defiance.
You are not alone.
Many parents in our community are trying to support their high-needs children and teens as they experience mental health issues.
You deserve support and guidance.
To join contact: || (970) 439-4714

How Can Parent Coaching in Summit County, CO Help Me and My Family?
In our offices, we often hear parents say that they expected parenting to be easier and intuitive. They assumed they would understand their children and the world they are being raised in. Unfortunately, parenting is often not intuitive at all! It is a constant challenge to keep up with your child's developmental stages and needs. Their behavior and mental health can be difficult to understand and manage.
Our parent coach has years of experience working with parents and families. This also includes experience with her own children as well. She understands how difficult it can be to parent your children. With compassion, she will offer you a no-nonsense approach to setting boundaries. Together, you will learn to connect with your child, let go, and enjoy your family.
The goal of parent coaching or parent counseling is to help you assess your parenting style. By doing so, you can further use your strengths and change behaviors that don't support your child. Our parenting coach will help you better understand your child and how you react to them. By doing so, you can show up as the best version of yourself.

Parent Coaching for Parents of Newborns and Toddlers
You may feel overjoyed that you have a new little one in your life. But, there is no doubt that the newborn and toddler phase of parenting is tough.
Your baby or toddler will be going through massive changes on a regular basis. This means moving through phases fast and learning so much on the way. There is so much for a parent to keep up with!
Our parent coach can you help relax and enjoy these years more. She can help with:
Understanding developmental needs
Potty training
Issues in daycare/school
And more.
Don't wait to get the support you deserve! Learn more about our groups for parents of new borns and toddlers today.
Contact us today for a free consultation.
Parent Coaching for Parents of School-Aged Children
Kiddos ages four to eleven are fun, energetic, and curious. It can be such a fun stage of development while children explore themselves and the world. But, it can also be a time of increased behavior issues. This can include tantrums, issues socializing, big emotions, and issues with food and sleep. Anxiety and depression can even begin during the school-aged years.
Our parenting coach can support you with the difficulties you face during this time. We can help you develop and set healthy boundaries. Together, you can better understand your child's developmental needs. Parent coaching can help you also engage with the school system, and manage big emotions.
Call us today for a free consultation.

Parent Coaching for Parents with Tweens and Teens
It's no secret that parenting a tween or teen can be challenging. Your child continues to need your support. But, they also need a chance to foster their independence. Then, you add the demands of school, social life, social media, and a pandemic. With all this, it's no wonder that these are difficult years.
Our parenting coach and parenting support group can help you survive and even thrive with your child during this time. She can help you to set appropriate expectations and boundaries for each developmental stage. She can also help you to manage defiant behavior, navigate drug and alcohol use, their sexuality and gender, and sexual activity. In counseling, you will learn more about the mental health needs of your child and the best ways to support them. We can help you better understand your teen and their needs. Together, we can pave the wave for a happier, healthier home environment.
Call us today for a free consultation.
Parent Coaching for Parents of Young Adults
In today's culture, we know that many young adults have either left home or are fostering their independence in some other ways. But, they often continue a close relationship with their parents. Or, continue to rely on their parents for emotional, financial, and housing support.
Our parenting coach can help you navigate this ambiguous transition. They can teach you to set healthy, appropriate boundaries that serve you and your family. She will help you develop a healthy relationship with your adult child so you can enjoy less stress.
Call us today for a free consultation.

Begin Parent Coaching in Summit County, CO
No parent is perfect. That's why we are here to offer you support as you learn and grow alongside your child. You and your child deserve to thrive, and our caring therapists would be happy to help! We offer support from our Silverthorne, CO-based therapy practice. To start parent coaching in Summit County, CO, please follow these simple steps:
Reach out by completing the form below
Start your first parent coaching session
Other Services Offered with Grit Therapy
Parent coaching isn't the only service we provide at our Summit County, CO-based therapy practice. We also provide therapy for depression, anxiety and panic, trauma, EMDR, addiction counseling, and eating disorders. For new and expecting mothers, we provide support for pregnancy and postpartum. Additionally, we provide sliding scale therapy, LGBTQIA+ therapy, ketamine therapy, and support for clients of all ages via family therapy and older adult therapy. Feel free to visit our blog or about page to learn more today!